Mõistlik Kopikas, 03 juuli 2012 - 22:45, kirjutas:
credanoob, 03 juuli 2012 - 19:24, kirjutas:
Valgusta meid.. kes või mis asju ette määrab?
Saatus - Aeg
Minevik - Olevik - Tulevik (pärast seda, kui universum paisub, muutub see ühedimensiooniliseks; ehk kriipsu kujuliseks; ehk kõik teised dimensioonid lähevad ühele
timeline'le; ehk minevik, olevik, tulevik - aeg - kõik see läheb ühele
Must - Valge (valges ja mustas; mõlemas, on esindatud KÕIK värvid. Vahe on selles, et valges on võimalik NÄHA kõiki värve KORRAGA; mustas aga mitte).
Tahke - Vedel (vesi on neljast põhielemendist kõige kergemini mõjutatavam element. Inimene koosneb üle 75% veest; inimene vajab elamiseks vett).
+ ja -
Negatiivne - Neutraalne - Positiivne
Hea - Halb
Valgus - Pimedus
Tihedus - Hõredus
Esimene dimensioon ( kriips); teine dimensoon (kolmanda dimensiooni, ehk meie (inimese kehastuse) vari; see tähendab seda tegelikult, et meie (kolmanda dimensiooni kehastused), oleme neljanda dimensiooni "varjud"). Neljas dimensioon on probably universumi "hing", mis anti sulle sünnilt kaasa ning mis põhineb numeroloogial (horoskoop baseerub numeroloogia peal).
Kui sa ei mõista, siis ei ole järelikult veel õige aeg sul mõista. Õpi poiss, õpi - ja loe raamatuid.
Hmm, where should I start? To be honest, I'm not good at writing. So if my story seems messy or whatever, you have to be smart enough to figure it out. But yeah, I should start my philosophical thoughts with dimensions I believe. I think that there aren't really 3 spacial dimensions (3D) and time dimension (fourth dimension?) or whatever. Even the 10+1 theory isn't correct. I think that there are only 2 spacial dimensions and a spacetime dimension.
The spacial dimensions are up-down and left-right. I wouldn't call the third one depth dimension though, but a so called spacetime dimension (forward or gravity dimension would be good too which is explained later). We all live in the spacetime dimension while we exist in space and time (duh!). Existing in space means having some kind of a forward motion. You can't have a backwards motion. 'Moving backwards' is still a forward motion in space. Existing in time means that you just are. In the present of your reality. I think we all understand what existing in time means.
But now let's imagine we can take away the spacetime dimension. We would be set in one place, nothing would be moving. In that world we still can see though (we have one source to catch the light and in that world light magically moves also). And what would we see? Because we are in one place, everything we see would seem to be 2D. We can't experience those things from another angle, so we can't create 3D images of things around us.
And that tells us that our world is literally 2D. What we experience as 3D is being in 2 spacial dimensions and the spacetime dimension. We can't take away the spacetime dimension, that would be just stupid (so that you don't start thinking about how a 2D world looks like. That's just unimaginable because that world would be fucking moronic).
Living and non-living things
Let's talk about living things and non-living things now. I believe all living things have some kind of a consciousness. Consciousness, for me, is the knowledge of being in the world you live in. And that knowledge comes from having senses. So I think that all living things with some kind of a sense is conscious of it's existance. And I don't mean that it also has to be human-smart. There's also plant-smart, animal-smart and so on.
All living things go through an evolution of some kind. That's because it's conscious of being in the 2D world around it. And evolution is just the sideproduct of a live thing's conscious thrive to adapt to the environment around it. Also, everyone doesn't have the same world, the same reality. For example, at this point we can say that our world is Earth. A tree's world would be the ground where it stands and lives (trees also sense underground with their roots and whatnot, so their world is pretty jazzed up). And because of evolution, all living things have the thrive to expand their world, increase their control over the world they know and have the thrive to be best of the best from their species. More intelligent beings act as a whole though, because it's the best way to survive. Plants do all that with placing their seeds everywhere, mammals and we do it by creating the best environment for us to florish (thrive to being the best of their species, thrive to expand their species's survival chances, thrive to expand the control over the world around them and thrive to expand the world they know). And so on. And that's because a living thing's world is a 2D+spacetime world (evolution can't start without the knowledge of the 2D world).
On the other hand, non-living things appear to only 'live' in a spacetime dimension. They can't sense the world around them so they aren't conscious of the 2D world around them. They only appear to exist in space and time and they can only have a forward motion, which is controlled by four universal forces (gravity, strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, electromagnetism) and living things.
It seems that gravity is the most powerful thing there is. We know that everything has a gravitational pull to it - you, me, Earth, Sun and so on. By being in a 2D+spacetime world, every piece of matter also impacts the spacetime grid by bending space and bending time (for example, black holes are the ultimate spacetime benders). The spacetime is so important dimension for us and gravity has such a big control over it.
If you think about it, it all seems very logical. We are mostly thinking of our Universe as a 2D grid, which gravity has effect on (showing how our Sun affects this grid by making a huge bump into it and so on). Gravity is everywhere though so that also implies that when you watch that grid from the side (flat grid would seem like a 1D line then), then it isn't flat anywhere and it's thickness is measured by a gravitational field - the more gravity, the thicker it is. We also know that more gravity means more dialation of time and space so you can pretty much say that gravity is the "owner" of our 3rd dimension (which is pretty epic amount of power if you asked me).
Also, no living things can exist without gravity - because of gravity, the stars collapse onto themselves in order to produce supernovas in order to produce the material to create you and me.
But more massive stars can create black holes. And black holes seem to be gravity's ultimate way to show it's dominance over the Universe. Black holes just bend space and time so much, so that it practically makes a full circle if you know what I mean. And gravity tries to make bigger and bigger black holes until a full circle is made, which is a paradox and to which Universe has the best solution - fuck it, gravity has won this round, time to respawn as a Big Bang.
I also think that spacetime was ripped apart from bigger spacetime when Big Bang happened. Thinking that space and time were created at that moment seems crazy for me. I think that Universe is on some kind of a 2D plane (on some kind of a brane), which also has spacetime, so it doesn't matter if the 2D plane of existance is inside our Observable Universe or outside - the world still seems 3D to every observer wherever it is.
And everyone has gravity. You can say that gravity is the God science and religion have been looking for and which pleases everyone. There is a little bit of Big G in everyone, life was created by Big G and Big G seems to have the ultimate control over the world.
Minu mõtted siis selle teema kohta. Jätsin teoreetilise füüsika osa välja (st. mul pole see veel kirjutatud), et võimalikult lihtsalt ja arusaadavalt enda mõtteid teistele edastada.
Usun vandenõuteooriatesse tõsihingeliselt ka. Minu arust on lihtsalt liiga palju tõendusmaterjali, et seda kõike eirata.
Vandenõuteooria on minu jaoks nagu tavaline teooria. Alguses pannakse paika hüpotees ning siis hakatakse selle kohta infot/faktimaterjali otsima. Ja nagu iga teisegi teooria puhul see kas mingil hetkel lükatakse ümber või infot koguneb piisavalt, et on matemaatiliselt vale uskuda teistsugust teooriat. See, et meil evolutsiooniteooria kohta näiteks pole 100% vettpidavaid asitõendeid ei tähenda seda, et me ei peaks seda uskuma - see on lihtsalt teooria, mis tundub kõige loogilisem meile ning tänu sellele oleme ka selle omaks võtnud. Samamoodi on vandenõuteooriaga - minu jaoks on infot kogunenud piisavalt, et ma võin 99.9% tõenäosusega käsi südamel öelda, et minu arvates on see tõsi (mulle pole presenteeritud ka ühtki teooriat, mis suudaks võistelda vandenõuteooriaga). Mitte-vandenõuteoreetikud on (vähemalt minu jaoks) tänapäeval võrdelised nende lollidega, kes usuvad kreatsionismi edasi hoolimata evolutsiooniteooria poolt antavast tõendusmaterjalist. "See on ju evolutsiooniTEOORIA, ma KEELDUN sellesse uskumast, sest käin silmad kinni ringi ning loodan, et Jumal kaitseb mind." on võrreldav "See on ju vandenõuTEOORIA, ma KEELDUN sellesse uskumast, sest käin silmad kinni ringi ning loodan, et suurkorporatsioonid kaitsevad mind."
Mõte on see, et alati ei saa lihtsalt oodata, et keegi ütleks otse välja, et "Yes, everything you say about big corporations and banks is true and we are trying to implement our New World Order". Peab uskuma seda, mis tundub loogiline olevat, ning vandenõuteooria on nii loogiline kui vähegi olla saab. Ainult loll võib arvata, et kui anda inimestele lõpmatul hulgal raha ja võimu, siis ta ei hakka seda võimu ära kasutama (mida aga mitte-vandenõuteoreetikud ilmselgelt arvavad).
Muutis RaiX, 25 juuli 2012 - 16:58.