Kromestar - Zion Dub
väga kaiff.
Sellel teemal on 2722 vastust
Postitatud 30 juuni 2009 - 09:43

Postitatud 30 juuni 2009 - 19:25

Sloppy records - reggae
Mims - move if you wanna
Aftee - LSDub
Datsik - Fathom
Distance - out of mind
enjoi while high
enjoi while high
enjoi while high
Mims - move if you wanna
Aftee - LSDub
Datsik - Fathom
Distance - out of mind
enjoi while high
enjoi while high
enjoi while high
Muutis halfman, 01 juuli 2009 - 17:00.
"A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer." Bruce Lee
Postitatud 01 juuli 2009 - 20:35

Artist: 16 Bit
Album: Cobra
Label: Southside Dubstars
Catalog#: DUBSTARS 018
Released: 2009-06-00
Style: Dubstep
Quality: MP3 / 320 Kbps CBR
A Cobra
B1 Jump
B2 Can You Show Me What Head Is
Artist: 16 Bit
Album: Cobra
Label: Southside Dubstars
Catalog#: DUBSTARS 018
Released: 2009-06-00
Style: Dubstep
Quality: MP3 / 320 Kbps CBR
A Cobra
B1 Jump
B2 Can You Show Me What Head Is
Muutis Inks., 01 juuli 2009 - 23:23.

Postitatud 02 juuli 2009 - 18:55

16bit cobrale tahaks normaalset linki plz
Postitatud 02 juuli 2009 - 19:17

Postitatud 10 juuli 2009 - 13:11

Postitatud 12 juuli 2009 - 17:02

Vahest ikka saab kuulatud, nagu näiteks praegu. Üks hästi hea on TC - Where's my money
Postitatud 13 juuli 2009 - 10:55

Postitatud 13 juuli 2009 - 13:06

Essential Mix - 2009-07-11 - Caspa
1.Caspa's Ghostly Intro
2.Deadmau5 & Kaskade - I Remember (Caspa Remix) (Mau5trap)
3.Sub Scape - Nothing's Wrong (Dub Police)
4.Emalkay - Angie Got Stoned (Dub Police Dub Plate)
5.Skream - Dutch Flowerz (Rusko Remix) (Tempa Dub Plate)
6.Mungo's Hi Fi - International Roots Feat. Earl 16 (LD Remix) (Dub Police)
7.Mala - Eyes (Dub Plate)
8.Emalkay - When I Look At You (Dub Police Dub Plate)
9.Trolley Snatcha - Scattah (Dub Police)
10.Caspa - Riot Powder (Sub Soldiers / Fabric)
11.Caspa - Table Cloth (Sub Soldiers Dub Plate)
12.Sub Scape - Dominent Species (Dub Police Dub Plate)
13.Benga - Desening (Tempa Dub Plate)
14.Emalkay - Metropolis (Dub Police)
15.Nneka - Heartbeat (Chase & Status Just Brought A Guitar Mix) (Sony/BMG)
16.Skream Clap Your Hands (Dub Plate)
17.The Others - Dot 2 Dot (Dub Police Dub Plate)
18.Caspa - I Beat My Robot (Sub Soldiers / Fabric)
19.The Others & N-Type - Cicuit (Dub Plate)
20.Sub Scape - Clear My Throat (Dub Police Dub Plate)
21.Trolley Snatcha - The Future (Dub Police)
22.Rusko - Cockney Thug (Caspa's Sub Soldier Remix) (Sub Soldiers)
23.Benga - Mini Moto (Tempa Dub Plate)
24.LD - King Of Kong (Dub Police Dub Plate)
25.D1 - Pitcher (Dub Police Dub Plate)
26.La Roux - In For The Kill (Skream'z Let's Get Ravey Remix) (Polydor)
27.Chase & Status - Saxone (Ram)
28.Depeche Mode - Wrong (Caspa Remix) (EMI)
29.Coki - Goblin (Ringo)
30.Sub Scape - Wrong Number (Dub Police)
31.Kutz - Trash City (Dub Plate)
32.Chase & Status - Mad House (Dub Plate)
33.Caspa - Louder VIP (Sub Soldiers)
34.Caspa - Marmite (Sub Soldiers / Fabric)
35.Caspa - Terminator (Sub Soldiers)
36.Caspa - Terminator (Trolley Snatcher Remix) (Sub Soldiers Dub Plate)
37.Prodigy - Take Me To The Hospital (Rusko Remix) (Take Me To The Hospital)
38.TC - Where's My Money (Caspa Remix) (D-Style)
39.Emalkay - Explicit (Dub Police)
40.Trolley Snatcher - Circles (Dub Police Dub Plate)
41.Skream - Metal Mouth (Tempa Dub Plate)
42.Emalkay - Battle Suit (Dub Police Dub Plate)
43.Prodigy - Warriors Dance (Benga Remix) (Take Me To The Hospital)
44.Search & Destroy - Day Break (Destructive)
45.Distance - Menace (Chestplate Dub Plate)
46.The Others - 100 Dollar Bills (Dub Police Dub Plate)
47.Caspa - Ready Eddy (Sub Soldiers Dub Plate)
48.Matty G - Turf Warz (Dub Police Dub Plate)
49.Caspa Feat. Dynamite MC - The Takeover (Sub Soldiers / Fabric)
50.Grand Puba - Get It (Caspa's 80Eighties Remix) (Scion / AV Project)
51.Caspa - They Like It Low (Dub Plate)
52.Vista - Poupee (J-Kenzo Remix) (Dub Plate)
53.Search & Destroy - Blue Mantra (Destructive)
1.Caspa's Ghostly Intro
2.Deadmau5 & Kaskade - I Remember (Caspa Remix) (Mau5trap)
3.Sub Scape - Nothing's Wrong (Dub Police)
4.Emalkay - Angie Got Stoned (Dub Police Dub Plate)
5.Skream - Dutch Flowerz (Rusko Remix) (Tempa Dub Plate)
6.Mungo's Hi Fi - International Roots Feat. Earl 16 (LD Remix) (Dub Police)
7.Mala - Eyes (Dub Plate)
8.Emalkay - When I Look At You (Dub Police Dub Plate)
9.Trolley Snatcha - Scattah (Dub Police)
10.Caspa - Riot Powder (Sub Soldiers / Fabric)
11.Caspa - Table Cloth (Sub Soldiers Dub Plate)
12.Sub Scape - Dominent Species (Dub Police Dub Plate)
13.Benga - Desening (Tempa Dub Plate)
14.Emalkay - Metropolis (Dub Police)
15.Nneka - Heartbeat (Chase & Status Just Brought A Guitar Mix) (Sony/BMG)
16.Skream Clap Your Hands (Dub Plate)
17.The Others - Dot 2 Dot (Dub Police Dub Plate)
18.Caspa - I Beat My Robot (Sub Soldiers / Fabric)
19.The Others & N-Type - Cicuit (Dub Plate)
20.Sub Scape - Clear My Throat (Dub Police Dub Plate)
21.Trolley Snatcha - The Future (Dub Police)
22.Rusko - Cockney Thug (Caspa's Sub Soldier Remix) (Sub Soldiers)
23.Benga - Mini Moto (Tempa Dub Plate)
24.LD - King Of Kong (Dub Police Dub Plate)
25.D1 - Pitcher (Dub Police Dub Plate)
26.La Roux - In For The Kill (Skream'z Let's Get Ravey Remix) (Polydor)
27.Chase & Status - Saxone (Ram)
28.Depeche Mode - Wrong (Caspa Remix) (EMI)
29.Coki - Goblin (Ringo)
30.Sub Scape - Wrong Number (Dub Police)
31.Kutz - Trash City (Dub Plate)
32.Chase & Status - Mad House (Dub Plate)
33.Caspa - Louder VIP (Sub Soldiers)
34.Caspa - Marmite (Sub Soldiers / Fabric)
35.Caspa - Terminator (Sub Soldiers)
36.Caspa - Terminator (Trolley Snatcher Remix) (Sub Soldiers Dub Plate)
37.Prodigy - Take Me To The Hospital (Rusko Remix) (Take Me To The Hospital)
38.TC - Where's My Money (Caspa Remix) (D-Style)
39.Emalkay - Explicit (Dub Police)
40.Trolley Snatcher - Circles (Dub Police Dub Plate)
41.Skream - Metal Mouth (Tempa Dub Plate)
42.Emalkay - Battle Suit (Dub Police Dub Plate)
43.Prodigy - Warriors Dance (Benga Remix) (Take Me To The Hospital)
44.Search & Destroy - Day Break (Destructive)
45.Distance - Menace (Chestplate Dub Plate)
46.The Others - 100 Dollar Bills (Dub Police Dub Plate)
47.Caspa - Ready Eddy (Sub Soldiers Dub Plate)
48.Matty G - Turf Warz (Dub Police Dub Plate)
49.Caspa Feat. Dynamite MC - The Takeover (Sub Soldiers / Fabric)
50.Grand Puba - Get It (Caspa's 80Eighties Remix) (Scion / AV Project)
51.Caspa - They Like It Low (Dub Plate)
52.Vista - Poupee (J-Kenzo Remix) (Dub Plate)
53.Search & Destroy - Blue Mantra (Destructive)
Postitatud 14 juuli 2009 - 11:00

Johnny Clark vs Mala - Sinners / Coki - Goblin [RNG008]
Artist: Johnny Clark vs Mala, Coki
Label: Ringo Records
Catalog#: RNG008
Released: 2009
Style: Dubstep
Quality: 320
A. Johnny Clark vs Mala - Sinners
AA. Coki - Goblin
neid kolme on jagada kellegil?
Artist: Johnny Clark vs Mala, Coki
Label: Ringo Records
Catalog#: RNG008
Released: 2009
Style: Dubstep
Quality: 320
A. Johnny Clark vs Mala - Sinners
AA. Coki - Goblin
neid kolme on jagada kellegil?
Muutis Chimpo, 15 juuli 2009 - 09:34.
Postitatud 15 juuli 2009 - 23:38

Postitatud 16 juuli 2009 - 16:21

Buriali albumit kuulates ma tundsin, et dubstep ei ole lihtsalt tavaline muusikastiil. see on midagi enamat. midagi, mis viib eemale kõik mõtted ning sa astud hoopis teise maailma, vabadusse. see tekitab sinus tunde, mida teised stiilid tekitada ei suuda.
Buriali album viis mind hoopis teisele tasemele. Burial on minu vaieldamatu lemmik praegu, Burial on geenius.
tõmmake ta 2006 aasta album "Burial" , see on midagi hoopis teistsugust.
enamus mõtlevad nii kui nii, et mis ma ajan mõttetut loba siin. ei, see ei ole loba. eelnev jutt on rohkem kui tõsi. dubstep ei ole kõigest tavaline muusika, see on midagi enamat.
Buriali album viis mind hoopis teisele tasemele. Burial on minu vaieldamatu lemmik praegu, Burial on geenius.
tõmmake ta 2006 aasta album "Burial" , see on midagi hoopis teistsugust.
enamus mõtlevad nii kui nii, et mis ma ajan mõttetut loba siin. ei, see ei ole loba. eelnev jutt on rohkem kui tõsi. dubstep ei ole kõigest tavaline muusika, see on midagi enamat.
Muutis Chimpo, 16 juuli 2009 - 19:21.
Postitatud 17 juuli 2009 - 13:29

Postitatud 17 juuli 2009 - 13:55

PePu, 17 juuli 2009, 14:29, kirjutas:
öelge keegi,et neil on see Dl? (mitte yt oma )
Postitatud 17 juuli 2009 - 20:43

Hakkasin ka mingilmääral kuulama ühe isiku soovitusel ning tahtsin paluda kedagi kellel aega ja viitsimist oleks, et ta koostaks mingi VA kogumiku millega saaks ma end vaikselt kurssi viia kogu asjaga. Muidu kes viitsib võiks uppida ka Coki lugusid, päris mahedad tunduvad.
Ette tänades,
Ette tänades,
Postitatud 18 juuli 2009 - 12:55

Postitatud 20 juuli 2009 - 23:34

"A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer." Bruce Lee
Postitatud 21 juuli 2009 - 10:38

see essential on suuht kõva... tulistage veel häid kauakestvaid mixe.
Postitatud 21 juuli 2009 - 15:23

Postitatud 22 juuli 2009 - 17:44

Artist: Silkie
Album: City Limits Volume 1
Discogs: http://www.discogs.c...release/1849585
Label: Deep Medi Musik
Catalog#: MEDILP002
Released: 15th July 2009
Style: Dubstep
Quality: 320 kbps
01. Concrete Jungle
02. Turvy
03. Spark
04. Sty
05. Quasar
06. Purple Love
07. Planet X
08. Cats Eyes
09. Head Butt Da Deck
10. Techno 22
11. Mattaz
12. The Horizon
13. Beauty
Album: City Limits Volume 1
Discogs: http://www.discogs.c...release/1849585
Label: Deep Medi Musik
Catalog#: MEDILP002
Released: 15th July 2009
Style: Dubstep
Quality: 320 kbps
01. Concrete Jungle
02. Turvy
03. Spark
04. Sty
05. Quasar
06. Purple Love
07. Planet X
08. Cats Eyes
09. Head Butt Da Deck
10. Techno 22
11. Mattaz
12. The Horizon
13. Beauty
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